Chino Wong

Oct 10, 2023

36 stories

Guide to Raising Venture Capital by Mark Suster

Mark’s favorite fund raising story posted in 2006 from his days as a startup CEO
Are there right times or wrong times in the year to raise money?
Do you really even need VC? Most start-ups do not. And most aren’t ready for the rocket fuel.
“really long post but full [of] advice for anyone considering raising angel money”
Angel money pricing — should you price the round or raise convertible debt?
Should you raise seed money from a large VC?
Should you take money from a “strategic investor” (e.g. a corporation that can help you vs. a VC)?
What are the best ways to get access to a VC?
The Cocktail Party Pitch
I sent an email to a VC and didn’t hear back — what can I do about it? should I move on?
What should you send a VC before your meeting?
NDAs (non disclosure agreements) and will a VC steal my ideas for competitive reasons?
Who should attend your first VC meeting?
Whom should I talk with at the VC? — my guide to “NINAs” and “Egg Breakers”
A 6-step guide to building relationships with VC’s
The best VC meeting advice Mark stole from someone else — ask for referrals.
The best VC meetings are debates and not sales meetings — 7 tips for making your meeting a debate.
2 real-world meetings that demonstrate the concept that the best VC meetings are discussions, not sales.
How to deal with the “Elephant in the Room” (those things that the VC will already know feel strange but may not mention)

Chino Wong

Chino Wong

Friend of Medium

VP of Design. Thoughts are my own.